At 1pm on Friday, LKP trustees Martin Boyd and Sebastian O’Kelly will be presenting a talk at the Open Data Institute, to which we are affiliated.
We’ll explain how everyone in government and the leasehold sector had been using the wrong information for decades.
The talk will be broadcast live here:
You can also come along to watch by booking here
As some readers will know, we persuaded government to reach a new estimate of 4.1 million leasehold homes in 2014 – a jump of 2.1 million from previous figures.
At we continue to report the unwelcome news of widespread poor resale values of retirement flats.
We’ll be explaining why the wrong data is still being used in some of our housing policy planning.
Michael Epstein
To plan a route for any journey,(apart from a map) there are two essential requirements.
You need to know where you want to go obviously! But crucially you need to know where you are starting from?
And if you don’t know where you are starting from any route planning is useless!
Apply this to the housing market( brilliantly explained by Martin and Sebastian) you will find that those involved in the housing market are trying to plot a route to a housing market destination without knowing where they are starting from?
In effect they are making plans blindly and on assumptions that have no basis whatsoever?
It’s rather like (if I may use an analogy) a civil servant working on a breeding program to increase the birthrate of camels on the assumption that it is on behalf of a sub-Saharan country only to discover many years later that the original project was to introduce load bearing hardy animals that could travel long distances in Greenland!
This journey began after 1066 and it allows the rich to keep the land and allow you to toil and pay then pick up the land later after being sold and used as collateral
Seb and Martins explanations were very good .