By Sebastian O’Kelly, LKP trustee
There is only one outstanding candidate to be chair of LEASE and that is Martin Boyd.
He is the only person involved in leasehold activism with the knowledge and abilities that will hold credibility with the sector.
He is respected on this subject by ministers, MPs and civil servants.
As well as LKP trustee, he is chair of an enfranchised block of flats, with a theatre and restaurants below and Thames river frontage. In other words, a complicated, mixed-use site worth around £250 million.
If he can run that, he can certainly chair LEASE.
He has always said he does not want to get involved in such an organisation.
But he should think again.
Frankly, if he cannot reform it into an organisation that addresses the appalling abuses in leasehold – and be unambiguously on the side of leaseholders, to use the words of Number 10 chief of staff Gavin Barwell – it might as well close.
Then various charities like us could take on the role instead.
It is wrongly assumed that I am the leader of LKP because I make the most noise: I’m not. It is a partnership.
But he is undoubtedly the better candidate for this role than I am.
I second that, Martin is THE man for the job and would turn LEASE in to the organisation it should be
I third that – don’t know him from Adam it has to be said. Is Martin’s goal abolition of leasehold, and will he retain that position should he become chairman of LEASE?
Martin Boyd sounds the like the man to me! Please reconsider your availability Martin. Abolishing leasehold is the ultimate goal here ????
I cannot think of any better person than Martin Boyd to become chair of LEASE.
Martin is totally suited and, to the worry of some, would do an honest and unbiased job.
His expertise and knowledge is second to non.
Hear hear.
Having read Martins Postings, since he first came on board I whole heartedly agree and would support him, as well would many thousands of readers of LKP.
To expect the Government to give this role to someone that good, isn’t what they do. They only give these rolls to someone they can cajole and manipulate.
Common sense says YES Martin for LEASE, but since when did sense come into the equation.
It will probably go to one of the government cronies.
He has the FULL support of the 11k members of the National Leasehold Campaign (NLC).
This would be an excellent appointment. I had some interaction with Martin during the run up to our development acquiring the right to manage. He was very helpful indeed. He clearly has leaseholders’ interests at heart and a deep knowledge of the conflicts of interest, injustice and gamesmanship in this sector. Was delighted to see him become a trustee of LKP.
One of his critics looked me in the eye one day when I expressed a negative view on the use of offshore companies for property ownership and tax “optimisation”. I got a dismissive response that it was perfectly legal. Martin has always been concerned about what’s right, not what’s legal. That would be a pretty good approach for LEASE to take between now and new legislation.
I agree with all of these recommendations. I have met Martin several times now and he has championed leaseholders tirelessly AND under charitable status. He would make good use of the additional LEASE funding recently awarded by the government.
There is only one man with the time and principles to manage LEASE in a fair and proper way, that man is Martin Boyd.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Martin for over 7 years and can highly recommend his integrity, honesty and fairness.
Please do support this once in a lifetime opportunity to put fairness back into Leasehold.
You need to apply pressure to Sajid Javid if Martn Boyd is your choice.
If the choice is between Martin Paine,Vincent Tchenguiz, or Martin Boyd, on balance I would probably go for Martin Boyd!
Mr Editor, How about re-publishing the incredible story story of Charter Quay?
Behind the scenes, Martin has been one of the most significant contributors in the fight for leasehold justice. In a sphere plagued by a lack of trust, Martin would be the right choice to give Lease the credibility it currently so lacks.
Charter Quay’s duel with Tchenguiz
I have just been reading Keith Edgar’s amazing full profile on LinkedIn,.
He looks to be over qualified for the job. But probably a “Dark Horse”
Definitely not qualified for any post at LEASE. .
He has no past record of standing up the leaseholders interests.
Ollie, I was only kidding, but how about Janet Entwistle making a comeback.
If it helps you make a decision may I on behalf of all your many supporters assure you that were you to take up a position at Lease you would not be required to wear any vulgar bow ties!
Michael, I think the wearing of the bow tie is connected with his membership of the Confrerie du Sabre d’or
To qualify for membership of this organisation one has to remove the cork from a Champagne bottle with one sweep of a French Cavalry sword.
Roger has progressed to the next stage which is a Chevalier.
Not sure what the qualification for that membership is, Maybe to convince two uneducated leaseholders as to the benefits of the ground rent system.
Michael Hollands, What a “corker” of a reply. And as the greatest Chevalier of all time Maurice, would have sung ” Thank heavens for LKP”
Martin has our support. As it stands though I am not entirely sure what LEASE has to offer to support leaseholders and make the system more transparent. That is what we are lucking here, honesty and transparency. The entire housing market is infested with exploitative practices and shady individuals.
Martin is the right man to take the chair at LEASE and re-position that Advice Centre to include giving advice to the Government Ministers on how deliver change and modernisattion to the existing Landlord & Tenant Act legislation and property titles system. .
If the chair is filled by a Government Nominee , that appointee may feel obliged to support the existing legislation and may block changes to reform of the L&T legislation.
Martin, When the hospital tells me I no longer need it, you can have my support as well!
An open letter to Martin Boyd
Dear Martin,
You saw something was wrong at Charter Quay and you were blessed with the talent and fortitude to assemble a group together and right that wrong.
You endured setback after setback, one obstacle after another, but you persevered. You won your battle to appoint a managing agent of your choice. And you won your battle to purchase your freehold (for a fraction of the originally quoted price).
You could have let matters at that. But you chose not to. You decided that it was important to assist others who may not have the skills you clearly have but have been similarly afflicted by the unfairness of leasehold.
You gave those people encouragement. You gave them knowledge. You gave them a voice. You gave them hope.
Martin, you care!
That is why so many believe you to be an ideal person to be involved with Lease. And if you put your name forward and for any reason you are rejected by LEASE that would send a clarion call that LEASE is not fit for purpose.
Wholehearted Support from me, too. No better person for this post!
Martin, You have carried forward all those issues that Ken Killminster and Melissa help abused leaseholders with ten years ago so please, please consider taking up the post at LEASE.
Having worked with Martin Boyd at Charter Quay for the past 10 years, I can say with absolute conviction that he is by far the best person to be chair of LEASE. Martin is a man of genuine integrity who has worked tirelessly to help others.