On 19th November AgeUK is holding an event for “older leaseholders” on exit/transfer fees as part of the Law Commissions review of these type of charges. The Law Commission project is just entering the public phase having reached their preliminary findings. The project will end some time next year when they present their formal recommendations to government. Law Commissioner Stephen Lewis will present his report on what they have found so far to the meeting.
LKP will also be speaking about wider leasehold reform
After lunch there will be a group discussion to understand your views.
Please see attached the detailed programme. Anyone wanting to attend should contact Joe Oldman on joe.oldman@ageuk.org.uk
Attendance will be free and the venue is AgeUK’s London headquarters at:
Tavis House 1-6 Tavistock Square, London WC1H 9NA
Places are limited and all requests to attend must be with Joe by the 11th November. Lunch and refreshments will be provided so your only costs will be getting to the venue.
“Younger” leaseholders may also want to pay keen attention to the public phase of the Law Commissions work as they are looking at “transfer” fees. That is to say fees which arise at the change of a tenancy. LKP and the Campaign against Retirement Leasehold Exploitation has urged the law commission to consider these sort of fees in relation to sub letting for all parts of the sector. Time and again landlords have sought to take this issue to the higher courts to increase their charges. Your input to the Law Commission will also be very important.
LKP would urge “older” leaseholders to attend the AgeUK meeting if possible. If you are not able to attend please let Joe Oldman know about your concerns regarding this type of charges.
Details of the full programme can be read HERE
Paul Joseph
Joe Oldman?
for AgeUK?