Team Property Management owned by RTM fixer Dudley Joiner has been forced into insolvency by one of the sites he took right to manage.
Quadrangle House RTM Company Limited, of Stratford, East London, petitioned the High Court for the insolvency order at the end of last month.
It optimistically ruled that “the costs of the petitioner be paid out of the assets of the company”.
Quadrangle House was taken right to manage by Mr Joiner’s Right To Manage Federation, which is not a federation but a company of which he is the sole director.
After the resignation of two leasehold directors, Mr Joiner was in the conflicted position of being the sole director of Quadrangle House RTM Co Ltd while employing his own property management company Team to manage the site.
The issues were reported by LKP here:
Only one director of Quadrangle House RTM … and he is the property manager
And here:
Dudley Joiner: Not relevant that I was disqualified from being a company director for 7 years
Both LKP and About Peverel have been consistent in warning people over the activities of Dudley Joiner. and have produced substantive evidence to back those warnings. This adds to the growing list of Dudley Joiner connected insolvencies.
My advice to Mr Joiner at this stage of his life is to find a rock and crawl under it!
I am left with the distinct impression that if Dudley Joiner ran a glue factory it wouldn’t stay “solvent”!
He just opened another company name as below. Is this not his new management company.?The man continues to trade and simply opens new company and on he goes. This should be illegal.
Company status
Correspondence address
Unit 1 Parsonage Business Centre, Church Street, Ticehurst, Wadhurst, United Kingdom, TN5 7DL
Appointed on
16 November 2017
Country of residence
United Kingdom
Leasehold Consultant
Why is “ Interested” so Dudley Joiner , That is the question?
There are many managing agent Companies that have gone into liquidation ( voluntary or forced) and started up again under a “different name. “:Solitaire property management perhaps?
“ Interested” where is your evidence that Dudley’s Company is not a “ New. Managment Company” ? Where is your evidence that “;The man continues to trade and simply opens new company and on he goes” Really ? Where is your evidence? You could very well be sued by Mr Joiner if your assertion is proven to be untrue.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive……
How many liquidated companies have you been a director of ‘ interested” ?
Did not a company called County Estate Management go into Voluntary Liquidation and start trading under a different name as “ Interested” is stating Mr Joiner is now doing?
I do agree with “ Interested’ that it should be illegal . ( Turkeys voting for Christmas tee hee)
Interested 2. I suggest you go to company house and type in “Dudley Joiner”. Look at his record in dissolved company and look at his record of late filing of accounts etc. not a great read. Now look at when Dudley opened up this new management company? It was about 17 November. What a coincidence ? This was just days before his other management company was liquidated. The evidence is there If one wants to see it. I can only guess that interested 2 is Dudley or someone on his behalf.
Btw I have never had any company dissolved or liquidated for the record, although I am not sure why that is relevant. The issue here is about Dudley and his appalling record in handling money of other people . He has left this RTM company owing them money and they are out of pocket. These leaseholders who entrusted him to carry them through the RTM process have only been burned as evident from the money owed to them by the company that Dudley allowed to go into liquidation.
I would think a court ruling and a judge comment on his nefarious activities was proof enough. These people should be jailed, its no more than thieving.
By itself having companies dissolved or liquidated is no major thing. There are many genuine reasons for taking such actions (such as retirement or a project a company was set up to achieve being finished)
However, those companies do not generally have a string of “strike off notices” for late accounts.
Imagine a situation where someone rocks up promising a Right To Manage for a fixed fee (or in exchange for a management contract)
Now let us say it all goes pear-shaped. Costs escalate to over 30 grand without the RTM being achieved.
The residents though have been given a guarantee by RTM facilitator that his company will take full responsibility for the £30,000. So the residents are re-assured.
The trouble is that unbeknownst to them, MRTM facilitator’s company only has a value of £6,000 (so couldn’t possibly honour the pledge.)
What accounts.? Dudley doesn’t keep accounts!
He certainly didn’t produce any for us.
Ha “if your assertion is proven to be untrue”! Hell is more likely to freeze over than that allegation be proved wrong – so no need to bring thermals when you get there Dudley!
Joiner is nothing more than a common thief. He’s very unlikely to sue as now Team has been wound up he doesn’t have the income of hundreds of leaseholders to spend as he pleases.
Clearly he doesn’t like the bad publicity – my advice is don’t go stealing off people then you won’t get any! You horrible little man.
This fraudster should be locked up. It is run as a family corrupt business who cares nothing about elderly residents and uses their savings to furnish a lavish lifestyle.
Hi Natasha
Thanks for your reply. Couldn’t agree more. Interesting you state this is a family run business and also I note your comments about the lavish lifestyle.
If you have any more details you would like to share anonymously then please email anything of interest to
Where does this leave the paid up members of The Leasehold Association and their proposed collective legal action to recover unfair charges that were contained within M&S leases?.
If there are any members out there could they please let us know.
Interested 2,
I would appreciate your advice please?
I am in the process of seeking to appoint a new managing agent.
Naturally I have concerns over handing over £300,000 of service charge trust funds.
Would it be prudent for me to check that the incoming managing agent has at least filed their own accounts in a timely fashion?
Yes. Do your homework.
We have lost all our sinking fund
Even though we questioned Dudley about his previous stricken off.
Michael. Epstein.
Anon What would you like to know!?.
I think that Interested 2 was an agent provocateur. Read between the lines.
G.T I am very sorry you have list your sinking fund and I hope the person who nicked it ( No names no pack drill) rots in hell and that his weeny also rots and gets eaten by a rat. How’s that.
1. No decent rock would allow Mr Joiner to crawl under it
2. Slugs don’t have “weenies’
3. Where has our money gone?
4. Are we ever going to get any of it back?
5. Sorry forget 3 & 4 above – I was hallucinating!