Consumers have more protection buying a £10 kettle than a leasehold property, the consumer website Moneywise reports.
That’s Louie Burns, LKP trustee and CEO of Leasehold Solutions speaking, in characteristic clarity.
An interesting piece from writer Lily Canter.
The leaseholders being charged thousands in fees: We investigate their plight and what can be done
“You have more legal protection in this country if you buy a £10 kettle from Argos than if you buy a multimillion-pound home,” The Competition and Markets Authority also launched an investigation in June 2019 to examine whether consumers had been mis-sold leasehold properties and are being given unfair contract terms. Are you a leaseholder or freeholder and have you been affected by these issues?
Have been trying to resolve an issue with FirstPort for the last 22 months incident shower screen shattered area mgr insisted that it was not covered by the building insurance. I had to obtain permission as per lease to remove bath & install shower screen fee I paid was in the order of £40 eventually insurance co who initially had declined the claim as there was no evidence when loss adjuster paid a visit as the retirement development Mgr had instructed a contractor to clear & dispose of the debris. I was denied the facility for 6 months because I would not pay the excess of £100. total claim was £722.80 which the insurance co sent a cheque to the development mgr on 9 april – area mgr instructed the mgr not to proceed. gallagher insurance accepted the issue was unacceptable & a new cheque was sent to me made payable to contractor to get the work done. area mgr was instructed by regional mgr to get the work done & debit the £100 into the service charge CEO & MD of FirstPort will not address the delay. I am 92 years of age & considered a carer to my wife [87 ] 24/365, my wife has health issues including vascular dementia who has a daily carer visit who sees to her personal
The incident caused me lot of problems & I had to arrange additional arrangements re personal issues