A message for all who have donated to the appeal for “A Home for Sonia”
Dear Friends
I write to thank you all for the love and support that I have received from my amazing family, friends and all the wonderful people and park home owners here and abroad who have helped me since my home was so cruelly stolen because of my work for the JUSTICE Campaign.
I will forever be eternally grateful to each and every one of you and especially Sir Peter Bottomley MP, Sebastian O’Kelly, Martin Boyd and Jim Fitzpatrick MP of the Leasehold Knowledge Partnership who; upon hearing of my plight, immediately set up the “Home for Sonia” appeal. My dear friend Tony Turner of the Park Home Policy Forum; knowing that my husband had passed away, has called and supported me through the darkest of days and acted as a conduit for those park home residents unable to access the Leasehold Knowledge donation site; while Paul Baker of PB Insurance did his utmost to advertise my stolen park home and set up a reward for information leading to the capture of the villains. Lord “Ted” Graham has kept in constant touch and has been like a father figure and I am so grateful for the support of all while I struggled to attend London meetings (to fight the residents corner) and keep the JUSTICE Campaign going until a decision could be made by government on our RPI to CPI and 10% Commission Charge Campaign.
Park Home champion Sonia McColl OBE has her mobile home stolen … ‘after death threats’
Letters and emails have poured in from lovely park home residents across the country; some have added me to prayer circles and others have sent their love and support and offers of accommodation in their homes. Please know that I can never adequately express how grateful I am to you all for your kindness; that will never be forgotten.
I have been able to send personal thanks to all those who sent cheques to Tony but I don’t know the names of the amazing people who donated to the Leasehold Knowledge Appeal. If you are one of them and reading this letter, please accept my heartfelt thanks for your very kind and generous gift.
On the recommendation of the Police I have been relocated to another county for my safety and I hope that you will understand that I will not be giving out my new address – but please know that I am so thrilled and feel very lucky to now be able to rent a little home of my very own and because of your generous donations which totalled £15.105 pounds I am able to equip and furnish it. Everyone needs their own space and front door – but you don’t realise how important this is until your home is stolen from you.
Many times, during the last year, when I have been very low; I have sat in my little car (when all was quiet outside) in the realisation that apart from the wonderful people who gave me refuge and somewhere to sleep – my car was the only shelter that I owned. However, I was lucky to have such a wonderful family and friends that were willing to shelter me, but my heart goes out to the many homeless people on our streets and I can’t help but wonder what awful situation has happened to them.
One day it would be wonderful to report that the thieves have been caught and Justice has been done. Someone somewhere is living in my home. Sleeping in my bed, cooking on my cooker, sitting on my sofa and watching my TV – and there are people out there who know who they are. If that is you, please call the Police or crime stoppers and if it leads to a conviction, you can claim the reward – because these people are wicked thieves.
However, importantly, once again my very very sincere thanks to all who have helped and supported me. I now have a lovely little home. I am very happy and contented and I have moved from a very dark place to a bright sunny world and I hope to get a dog.
With love to you all
PS. I will of course report to you all when news of our RPI to CPI and 10% Campaign is announced.