– 2005 to 2009 Peverel cheats pensioners at 65 site by installing Cirrus equipment through bogus tendering
– Campaign against Residential Leasehold Exploitation alerts police, SFO and OFT, and The Times publishes article on December 4 2009
– But Office of Fair Trading gives Peverel “leniency” for turning itself in at some point in December 2009
– OFT starts investigation a leisurely 18 months later
– July 2013 OFT admits the leniency deal with Peverel. Campaign against Residential Leasehold Exploitation and politicians are furious
– Campaign against Residential Leasehold Exploitation whistleblowers who had co-operated with OFT – and sworn to secrecy – are disgusted
– December 2013 OFT issues ruling saying Cirrus scammed pensioners with £1.4 million contracts at 65 retirement sites
– January 2014 OFT ended. Competition and Markets Authority launches inquiry into leasehold management
– Minnows in the scam – Glyn Jackson Communications, Peter O’Rourke Electrical and Owens Installations – are fined. Two went into liquidation in 2012 and escaped fines. Owens fined £1,777
– No sanctions against Cirrus; no one at Peverel censured or dismissed
– Sir Peter Bottomley talks of ‘possible criminal behaviour involving Peverel’
– Peverel / Cirrus scandal gets extensive media coverage
– February 2014 Cirrus wins lucrative contract with Housing21
– ARMA (Association of Residential Managing Agents), of which Peverel is one of the largest members, says it won’t do anything. It has no ‘locus’, it says
– ARHM (Association of Retirement Housing Managers), of which Peverel provides the bulk of funding, prodded by the Campaign against Residential Leasehold Exploitationin to considering the scandal
– August 2014 ARHM reluctantly makes statement that the systematic cheating of the elderly by a property manager’s subsidiary is a breach of its code of practice. But it concludes no action should be taken
– September 2014 Jeremy Owen, of Cirrus stooge company Owens Installations, says what they were doing was “corrupt” and that senior management knew about it
Victor Foglia
People who are ripped off are not only pensioners but all sort of leaseholders. We are a small group of leaseholders and only two of us are resident in the building where we live. This makes all more difficult for us as we do not have publicity.
In the last ten years we have been to the LVT four times and also to the County Court (2008-2009) and Royal Court of Justice (2009) and (2013) with also 2 appeals (LVT and Land Tribunal) and a judicial review. We do not have legal representation and our freeholder is a conveyance solicitor with a large firm behind. We have been abused and we are still being abused right now.
Nobody should have had to fight this for four almost a decade and be left in the position to undergo so much distress and on the verge to become homeless due to injustice of the worst type. We are seeking for help and for our story to be exposed to the public but it is more difficult because we are not a large group of leaseholders. Some of us like myself are on the verge of becoming homeless due to the ongoing rip off. Victor Foglia, leaseholder from Croydon. This is a public appeal for help to anyone who can give an advice or help or any kind. Here you can see our FOIA request with some information regarding our case in the hope to have answers and help. – https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/conversion_in_eight_flats_at_34