LKP is pleased to have been invited to join 14 other organisations from across London’s voluntary and community sectors as part of the new London Housing Panel and help to shape the Mayor of London’s housing policies.
The London Housing Panel has been established jointly between Trust for London and the Mayor of London. The Panel’s member organisations will bring together their expertise to advise the Mayor’s team in developing housing policies.
The group will be chaired by Raji Hunjan who acts as Chief Executive of the Z2K charity
The membership of the Panel is as follows:
- Camden Community Law Centre
- Disability Advice Service Lambeth
- Action on Empty Homes
- Generation Rent
- Homeless Link
- Just for Kids Law (JfKL), including Children’s Rights Alliance for England (CRAE)
- Kineara
- London Federation of Housing Co-operatives
- London Gypsies and Travellers
- Leasehold Knowledge Partnership
- London Tenants Federation
- New Horizon Youth Centre
- Solace Women’s Aid
- The Connection at St. Martin-in-the-Fields
- Tonic Living
Chief Executive of Trust for London, Bharat Mehta, said:
“Housing is an issue for millions of Londoners. In fact, the cost of housing is the main thing trapping one in eight Londoners in poverty.
More needs to be done to ensure that Londoners have affordable homes that are safe and secure. That is why we have worked with the Mayor to set up the independent London Housing Panel. The Panel provides voluntary sector organisations with a direct line to those shaping housing policy in the capital.
We are delighted that the Chair and Panel Members bring such a breadth and depth of voices and experience. We look forward to their involvement in tackling the housing issues faced by Londoners.”
LKP will provide our knowledge on private and social housing leasehold sectors which form a key part of the Mayor’s housing objective for a fairer deal for private renters and leaseholders.
As part of the London Housing Strategy May 2019 report, the Mayor has committed to “a long-term shift towards alternative tenures such as commonhold”. This is a breakthrough for campaigners.
LKP’s analysis shows that nearly 2 million homes and over 3.5 million people live in leasehold houses and flats. Leasehold construction now accounts for almost all of the capitals newbuild construction and makes up nearly 90% of homes in parts of inner London.
During the past 10 years of posting on different sites, I wondered why the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) which I became an Incorporated Member (ICIOB) in 2003 until retiring in 2009.
I remember one post from Chris Blyth – Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and nothing since. Then there is The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) and the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) yet we hear nothing from them, why are they not included in The London Housing Panel?
Chas, I love your stupid uninformed rambles, as does Michael. I hope you meet somebody soon
Sir Peesays :-
Rude and unnecessary (Sirperfelous)
Sir P,
You will be pleased to know Chas has met someone.
And that someone is a someone who will help end the leasehold gravy train.
I am never backward in coming forward with a sarcastic comment, but before doing so, I put the hard graft in on the campaign, as has Chas?
What Sir, P, has your contribution been thus far?
Sir Perfelous, (Sir P.) and Geordie Lass.
Further to your comments on different threads, I thought as you both love my stupid uninformed rambles, I would give you more pleasure, so please check out ABOUT FIRSTPORT website and you will love them even more.
I have met many some great people who because of their age and capacity have had to stop the campaign but still support the fight against Leasehold Exploitation and now Fleecehold.
The Industry has over many years chosen the elderly to exploit from the days of McCarthy & Stone – Pevel Retirement – Firstport Retirement – Solitaire – OM Property Management – Proxima GR Properties Ltd – Estates & Management – Fairhold, all with company links to the Tchenguiz Family Trust, check out the directors who have links to each other.
Governments know of these companies and rely on the tribunals such as the First Tier Tribunal (FTT) who have favoured the rich Freeholders/Landlords and Managing Agents.
Of course, companies rely on the Trade Bodies, they set up to protect themselves, such as ARMA and ARHM who when real problems such as, the 5 /6 years Price Fixing of the Elderly Residents by Firstport Retirement when they were Peverel Retirement. Both failed to bring them to book, even allowing them to become full members. Of course, having directors in both camps helped.
Then there is the Government Quangos LEASE – CMA – (was OFT) – SFO who follow the government lead and are seen slowly pretending they are on our side.
LEASE had to be told by the Housing Minister to stop favouring Freeholders/Landlords/Managing Agents and instead help Leaseholders.
SFO believed the Price Fixing Scandal was not serious enough so past it on to the OFT who spent £500k and 4 years investigating only to decide they were not to be prosecuted because they owned up and got off Scot Free.
Then there is the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) who refuse to take appropriate action against fellow Chartered Surveyors who resign before a Judicial Conduct Investigation.
We are fighting against corrupt companies and organisations along with opportunist Lawyers who play the Legal System and at times also the Property Chamber, that is our only recourse against these unscrupulous companies who should be challenged every day they exist.
Sir Perfelous, (Sir P.) and Geordie Lass.
It is worth taking another look at LEASE.
It was set up in 1992 by the then Government, so they control them, using Tax Payers money to provide us Tax Paying leaseholders with Advice and information so Tax Payers can prevent greedy Freeholders/Landlords/Managing Agents from Exploiting us?
Over the last decade there have been four reviews of Leasehold Advisory Service (LEASE):
2010 – A review was scheduled – not known whether this ever took place, (NO REPORT).
2011 – A “Red Tape Review” of LEASE did take place – the government says (NO REPORT).
2014 – Government started a Triennial Review of LEASE.
2016 – Requests under the Freedom of Information (FIO) for the report were made in 2016.
2017 – The Triennial Report was eventually found.
2018 – A copy was provided to LKP and APPG, this report had been completed in February 2018.
2018 – The FOI response notes that this report (2016 report) is now “out of date”.
2018 – The government undertook further “Internal review of the advice and support generally given.
2019 – The report was completed earlier this year.
2019 – Following LKPs further FOI request, the report has now been provided to LKP and the APPG.
The previous Head of LEASE had been considered unsuitable to be in the position and had been informing Freeholders how to Maximise Ground Rents and Commercially running Seminars, and claimed LEASE didn’t have to inform Government on the fiasco of Ground Rents doubling every 10 years?
It is to be hoped that LKP can persuade the Mayor to drop plans for TFL land to be used to build leasehold homes. and use the income streams from leasehold to subsidise TFL’s £1b deficit..