Developers could be hit by new proposals to curb leaseholds
The Government’s plan to change leasehold rules for new-build homes could hit retirement specialist McCarthy and Stone and London developer Berkeley. A consultation revealed the Government intends to prohibit the sale of new-build leasehold houses and to only allow nominal peppercorn ground rents on all new leasehold properties such as flats.
Ministers pledge to ban ‘feudal’ leases on houses which force families to pay exorbitant ground rents
Ministers will today unveil plans to ban “feudal” leases on houses which force families to pay exorbitant ground rents and fees. Sajid Javid, the Communities Secretary, will announce that all new build houses will not be allowed to be sold as a leasehold to stop landlords from “exploiting” home buyers.
And the Coventry Telegraph:
Leaseholds on new homes could be banned to end ‘unjust’ practices
Leaseholds on new-build houses could be banned under Government proposals to cut out abuses of the system. Homebuyers can face exorbitant costs and properties can be rendered unsellable because of leasehold fees, but plans put forward by the Communities Secretary aim to put a stop to “unjust” and “unnecessary” practices.
And the Western Telegraph
Leaseholds on new-build houses could be banned in bid to end ‘unjust’ practices
Leaseholds on new-build houses could be banned under Government proposals to cut out abuses of the system. Homebuyers can face exorbitant costs and properties can be rendered unsellable because of leasehold fees, but plans put forward by the Communities Secretary aim to put a stop to “unjust” and “unnecessary” practices.
Plans to ban leaseholds on new-build houses in England – BBC News
“Unfair charges” levied on buyers of new-build houses could be banned in England under a proposed crackdown. Leaseholds on new-build houses would be outlawed, while ground rents could be dramatically reduced, under government plans subject to public consultation. Ground rents can double every decade, crippling home owners and in some cases making a property impossible to sell.