Today sees yet another change of Housing Minister.
Only last June we welcomed Alock Sharma as Minister number 6 its now time for Minister no 7
Welcome, Alok Sharma … another new Conservative housing minister
Today sees Dominic Raab arrive from MoJ.
As MP for Esher and Walton Mr Raab will have seen first hand the problems faced by some of his leaseholders in the tragic Gibson Court fire.
What a farce the position of Housing Minister has been since 2010 under this Government. It appears to be a position to be taken on route to something else.
We are now onto number 7, and not one has contributed much to Leasehold reform. They have varied from those who think current voluntary regulation is adequate to those who favour some regulation but do nothing about it. And of course the last one who appears to have made no contribution at all.
Not to sure about the latest appointment, he seems to have hard line views on those of us who are disadvantaged.
Another one bites the dust…do doom…
So very spot on with your comments MH. Took the words right out of my mouth.
It would be nice to know what exactly has Alock Sharma actually done work wise since he had the HM position anyway.
He, like many others, is paid a salary of thousands of pounds a year to do “a job” totally funded by us taxpayers – so what have we had from him in return.
Most of the previous ones, especially Grant Shapps, are guilty of same
So far as I am concerned it smacks of putting the fox in charge of the henhouse.
7 Housing Ministers is a sign of drift and failure. Peter Bottomley or Jim Fitzpatrick for HM, now that would make sense. MPs who actually understand housing and want to make a difference.
Grant Shapp untrustworthy and toxic, 4 were forgettable and Gavin Barwell the only HM to send the right signals but still didn’t deliver. Vested interests and the DCLG are running housing policy and the post of Housing Minister could be unfilled and you wouldn’t notice.
The big idea to replace ‘Right to Buy’ is ‘Help to Buy’.enabling Persimmon to pay £100 million bonus to one person.
Developers’ share prices have gone through the roof but the housing crisis is gettting worse, there is no change to leasehold tenure and the billion pound service charge industry is still unregulated. As tenants we pay for building insurance and maintenance but are not allowed to see let alone negotiate the quotes and commission paid to third parties.
MPs with vested interests who block reform and regulation by doing nothing are complicit in turning a blind eye to consumer interests and protection.
Grant Shapps toxic? Surely that was Michael Green? Shapps was David Cameron’s personal fundraiser! And he, no doubt, collected lots of lovely money from nice dukes, generous housebuilders and landlords.
The deep connection between the office of the Conservative prime minister and sleaze was shown once again in the last Panorama programme when it was revealed that Cameron had been flown about in the private jet of one “gent” who was shown to have been making a mockery of the country’s bankruptcy laws.
It’s always been, one law for the rich and another for everyone else.
is cynical window-dressing, still.
What is Peter Bottomley, who many readers of this site imagine to be an honest man, doing about the continuing corruption of his party?
‘Oh No , not another one’
Surely, you are joking?!
Alas, if only…
Country that works for everyone, remember?
Since 2010 the Governments at views on leasehold have changed woefully slowly due to pressure from Carlex and LKP and more recently the Facebook Leasehold campaign.
In 2010 it was voluntary regulation was adequate, we want no more red tape, so nothing happened.
By 2014 they acknowledge there were problems, but took no action to remedy them.
In 2018. Judging by the PM answers in Parliament today, they are now sympathetic and agree something needs to be done. But this type of answer is given to all the problems raised in PM’s Questions.
Is there any hope of action soon, or is it going to take another 4 years and probably another 3 Housing Ministers before Leasehold is fully sorted.
I have heard of Chanel No7, but Housing Minister No7?
this is in danger of turning into a right old “Raable”
I wish Mr Raab well in his new role and look forward to wishing Housing Minister No8 well very shortly no doubt!
Over the last few days there have been several TV interviews with the promoted Brandon Lewis.
In my opinion whilst he was Housing Minister, if he had put half the effort into criticising the Leasehold system as he now does the Labour Party, we may have seen some progress.
As for Dominic Raab, he had been tipped for a top position, but had to make do with the Housing Minister job. So is he going to be just another short term and ineffective appointment on the way to the top