Another brilliant initiative by the fiery National Leasehold Campaign activists:
leave reviews of your purchasing experience – or freeholder and managing agent, for that matter – on TrustPilot and similar review sites.
The National Leasehold Campaign, which is a closed (ie not publicly published) Facebook group, now has more than 12,000 members and is the most active forum of leaseholders.
LKP unhesitatingly recommends that all leaseholders join it, and plug into the wisdom offered by loads of other people, whether fellow leaseholders in flats or houses.
It is information that will crack this unbalanced and unfair system of property tenure.
By getting informed, and arming up, we will be able to outplay the well resourced private equity figures who have parked their speculations in residential freeholds and were expecting easy pickings.
Please clip and publish your favourite leasehold sector reviews here:
It is necessary “arming up, (we will be able to outplay the well resourced private equity figures who have parked their speculations in residential freeholds and were expecting easy pickings.)”, but it is necessary.
Governments are elected by the people to serve the people, but democracy is a sham, a great confidence trick. Governments serve vested interests, ultimately it is government (particularly this Tory government) who are responsible for the morally criminal leasehold system.
Oops, an edit to my above post:
It shouldn’t be necessary “arming up, (we will be able to outplay the well resourced private equity figures who have parked their speculations in residential freeholds and were expecting easy pickings.)”, but it is necessary.
Governments are elected by the people to serve the people, but democracy is a sham, a great confidence trick. Governments serve vested interests, ultimately it is government (particularly this Tory government) who are responsible for the morally criminal leasehold system.
Taylor Wimpey Trustpilot Page. Obvious censoring of negative but fair, non offensive comments by their customers. North Korea would be proud of this. I am not a TW customer, just dont like censorship, whether it is here, N Korea, or anywhere else.
They look worse by doing the censorship and hiding things, than if they allowed the reviews to be published.
You just couldn’t make it up. Here’s silly me thinking that Trust Pilot was a totally independent unbiased web site to help us buying public.
It’s no different to any other of the “Clubs for the Boys” that we all know about.
If you search the web there is clear evidence that companies pay a membership fee to TP and have full policing rights, Some even having their own “police” to stop seriously negative posts and even “balance things up” with good ones.
What an horrific society we live in when we reach a stage that so called upstanding companies (well they think they are) cannot be trusted whatsoever.
Trust Pilot is a total waste of time if you want honest facts
I just went in to this web page:
and was stunned by the number of reviews being removed as under investigation.
“Whilst this review is important to us, unfortunately it does not comply with Trustpilot’s rules. ”
Wouldn’t trust that web site!!!
It would be really good if the media/press picked up on this.
I bet millions of people think TP is an unbiased site.
Might even make TP reconsider who they want as “paying members” when you see the amount of posts blocked by Taylor Wimpey.
Looks like Persimmon Homes don’t have the same size police force as Taylor Wimpey as high number of negatives “allowed” on the Persimmon site
Trust Pilot. Is that the Danish company backed by the Silicon Valley Bank in California?
Easy to pick up via Google. Find Trust Pilot – Wikipedia. Scroll down and read headings “Criticism” and “Reporting Reviews”
Everything you thought you would NOT expect to hear about a reviews site
Bellway have reported my trust pilot review claiming it contains language that’s accusatory or defamatory. The following is problematic:
1. Miss sold
2. Lied
3. #leaseholdscandal
This was my submission:
Titled – lied to by sales staff
I can honestly say I feel I was miss sold my house. The sales staff told me I could buy my freehold for a few thousand. Less than a year later the freehold was sold onto an investor which has a detrimental impact on myself and many thousands of families.
I now find myself stuck in the complex web of leasehold and the complicated process of enfranchisment. This is not what I was led to believe. Now the price of my freehold has rocketed, as have the permission fees. Please do not remove this review it is based on the truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth. I present this evidence to the government’s Select Committee Inquiry in Parliament on 5th November 2018.
So much for stating the facts.
I believe you have been picked on as you have made the whole of leasehold aware of the way these large companies BELIEVE THEY CAN ACT without redress to their business model.
Bellway may have reported your Trust Pilot Review and in claiming it contains language that’s accusatory or defamatory but:-
1. You state you feel you were miss-sold your house, feeling you were miss-sold is not saying they did miss-sell, (not accusatory or defamatory).
2. By honestly saying you feel you were miss-sold the house – (not accusatory or defamatory).
3. Leasehold Scandal, the whole leasehold of Houses and Flats is riddled with scandals and is neither, (accusatory or defamatory).
They have picked on you because you placed your head above the parapet and began fighting for your rights. This is considered a threat to stop you saying/posting on websites and is meant to frighten you into stopping. Please do not stop fighting for the rights of Leaseholders who have been and are continuing to be cheated by Freehold Builders, Landlords and Managing Agents.
This has been a common thread in Design & Build such as McCarthy & Stone who was the first in building Retirement Developments. They then sell the Freeholds before the two year period. The Freeholder was Fairhold (No7) Limited the company was previously known as McCarthy & Stone Investment Properties No 8 Limited, to which the Freehold Interest in the development was transferred in November 2003.
The sale of the flat lease purchased was in 2004 with a Annual Ground rent of £365.00 a year. The rent for the Residential House Managers Flat began in:- 2004 @ £9,469 and averaged out over the next 5 years at £8,954, where a basic similar flat could have be rented for as little as £6,000, they were paying £2,954 equivalent to 33% more?
This is the tip of an Iceberg of Leasehold and how the Retired Leaseholders are treated.